Science Resources

NDE Science & EdReports HS Science Webinar

Making decisions centered around vision and standards-aligned effective teaching and learning for science? Not sure where to start when it comes to science selection or implementation for materials? Noticing your district materials need wrap-around support for teachers to promote evidence-based practices for NE students? NDE and EdReports partnered in a webinar to answer some of the most pressing questions from the field. Watch our K-8 webinar.

K-8 Science Selection Webinar with Ed Reports

Making decisions centered around vision and standards-aligned effective teaching and learning for science? Not sure where to start when it comes to science selection or implementation for materials? Noticing your district materials need wrap-around support for teachers to promote evidence-based practices for NE students? NDE and EdReports partnered in a webinar to answer some of the most pressing questions from the field. Watch our 9-12 webinar.

For an interactive webinar experience, join our nearpod with code 7CAV2.

Bridge Document

Not sure how to interpret EdReports reviews for alignment to NCCRS-S? Use this Bridge Document to bridge between the EdReports reviews and the NE standards.

Nebraska Instructional Shifts

Nebraska’s College and Career Ready Standards for Science require key instructional shifts in practice to support student achievement and the promise of the these standards.

Implementation Plan for Nebraska’s College and Career Ready Standards for Science

Understand the state’s rollout and implementation plan for the new science standards from 2017-2022. Use this timeline to inform your own district’s planning for implementation and professional learning.

Nebraska’s College and Career Ready Standards for Science

Dig Deeper into the Implementation Plan for Science Standards

An implementation toolkit was developed and provides a variety of resources to serve the outcomes for successful implementation. Use the toolkit and resources linked below to understand best practices for district planning to implement the new science standards.


Ask yourselves:


  • How will these resources help districts make quality decisions about instructional materials?
  • How will this experience/resource help me expand and improve science teaching and learning?


Stage 1 Resources​ ​- Exploration

Stage 2 Resources – Transition

Stage 3 Resources – Initial Implementation

Stage 4 Resources – Scale Up

Sample Science Self-Assessment Survey

How well do you and your team know the science instructional shifts and what that means for instructional materials? Millard Public Schools developed this survey as a pre-assessment that can help all districts to know current strengths and gaps before digging into new materials. Make a copy to support your own district data collection and reflection.

Preparing Students for a Lifetime of Success: Understanding New Science Standards

Engage parents and help them to understand what changes they can expect to see as the new science college and career ready standards are implemented. A great resource to include as part of stakeholder engagement, step 4 of the selection process.

Special thanks to these Nebraska educator leaders for their work in curating the resources

  • Sara Cooper, Nebraska Department of Education
  • Donna Dobson, Omaha Public Schools
  • Dawn Ferreyra, ESU 3
  • Ellen Kramer, Millard Public Schools
  • Dianah Steinbrink, ESU 10
  • Sara Zabrowski, ESU 3